martes, 29 de abril de 2008

Example of a Essay

The thick, burnt scent of roased coffees tickled the tip of my nose just seconds bofore the old, faithful alarm blared a distorted top-forty through its tiny top speaker. Wiping away the grit of last night's sleep, the starch white sunlight blinded me momentarily as I crawled out of the comforter, edging awkwardly like a butterfly from a cocoon, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. The dusty pebbles on the chilled, wood floor sent ripples spiraling from my ankles to the nape of my neck when my feet hit the floor. Grabbing the apricot, terri-cloth robe, recently bathed in fabric softener and October wind, that I knotted it tightly at my waist like a prestigious coat of armor and headed downstairs to battle the morning.

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